Section 20 of the Fire Safety Act states that it is mandatory for the owners or occupants of any public buildings like offices, shopping complexes, industrial establishments, hospitals and private residences to obtain a fire safety certificate. The certification is mainly aimed at ensuring the safety of the occupants of those buildings in the event of fire emergencies. According to the Singapore Civil Defence Force, a fire safety certificate should always be acquired before people move in or start using the property.
The issuance of the certificate is always subject to the full completion of all the required fire safety works on the building. Little known to most people is also the fact that the application for a FSC can only be done by Qualified Professionals or licensed engineers in Singapore. Besides, there are several other requirements and guidelines for fire safety certificate application that must also be met for success. These are some of the elements that usually make the process of FSC applications challenging to many building owners.
At Fire Safety Singapore, we are a team of fire safety Qualified Professionals with many years’ experience in the industry. As such, we understand all the procedures of successful fire safety certificate applications Singapore to make your work less hectic. We provide professional and tailor-made FSC application consultancy services to enable you ensure compliance with Fire Safety Act and Singapore fire safety regulations while also minimizing the risks of injuries and damage to property during fire emergencies.
Requirements and Procedure for Fire Safety Certificate Application
Without a better understanding of all the regulations and requirements for fire safety certificate application, it could take you quite a lot of time to even develop a plan for approval. In worst case scenario, you can spend so much time and effort making the application for a fire safety certificate only to end up with a rejection. That will not only mean delays in the occupancy of the building but, could also result in court action for non-compliance with the Fire Safety Act.
As hinted above, only Qualified Persons should submit applications for fire safety certificate upon the completion of the project with regards to the SCDF FSSD regulations. Besides, the application should only be made after the approval of the fire safety works plans for your building. All fire safety certificate applications must also be submitted online via the CORENET system available on the SCDF website. The application should be accompanied with all the relevant documentation, failure to which it risks being turned down.
In accordance with the Fire Safety Act, the documents for FSC application include a TFP/FSP application form, CFSW (Certification for Fire Safety Works) form, RI inspection certificates, RI inspection report and a letter of appointment for RI. Our company can provide the best RIs to conduct proper inspections and issue certification for your building’s fire safety works to facilitate the necessary documentation for FSC application. We also specialize in professional fire safety protection testing and inspection Singapore.
We will also assist with preparing all the other documents and forms as per the Singapore fire safety codes for convenience. Our consultants will offer personalized consultancy services to make the process stress-free so you can focus on other core activities of your business. Before submitting the application, we will carefully go through all the documentation to make sure that everything checks out. It usually takes the SCDF about 3 working days to process FSC applications.
All communications regarding the issuance or rejection of the certificates are also done electronically just like the submission of applications. After submitting the application, we will also do follow ups to make sure that you get the certification without any delays. Due to our success rates in FSC applications Singapore over the years, we are confident that you will be able to receive a valid fire safety certificate within the stipulated timeframe.
Professional Help with Fire Safety Certificate Application Singapore
Although the requirements and regulations for fire safety certificate application discussed above might seem easy to achieve, the help of Qualified Persons is always essential to success. At Fire Safety Singapore, we are the trusted professionals that you should always talk to for stress-free and successful fire safety certificate (FSC) application Singapore.
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License Number: HB-09-5474D